Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finally Finished Weeks 7 & 8

Weeks 7 and 8 overwhelmed me with all of the stuff presented. I did not have a lot of time to play so I just did not get to it. I had some spare time today so I investigated all that was presented. Most of it was interesting but not particularly useful to me. I finally used Meebo to send a message and put a clock on my Blog. I think Slideshare might be something I will use and I found some interesting websites in the Web 2.0 Award Winners. I did not do anything that required downloading software but will be attending the second life conference next week. All in all it was interesting and really raised my awareness of how much is available to us free.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Publishing from Google Docs did not work

I was trying to finish my blue 2.0 for the week and I was not able to publish my entry in Google Docs to my blog. I followed the direction and it said it had posted but it is not here. I am going to try again to see what happens. Hopefully I will be able to do this before I leave today.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finished Social Bookmarking Exercise

I just finished doing the session on and found that a colleague from Italy had tagged one of the websites I tagged. I looked at his tags and found a great one for finding hotels around the world so I tagged that one as well. I think I am seeing the value of this now that I have gotten into it. My account is at Armelia Delia was my grandma Yelle so I used her since my name and its variations were already taken.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Social Book Marking Set Up

I just set up my social book marking account and my first tagging was the reference blog. I am not sure how I am going to use this but I certainly am game. I have been using the newsreader and find it easier to keep up.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wiki Became Stiki

I dabbled in Wiki's this morning only to find they can be sticky. I obviously have some work to do. I am setting up a wiki to use for the science library project so it is a closed wiki. I did get the wiki set up but it kept telling me my UKY address was being rejected so I used a personal email address. That went through with flying colors. I then edited my first page and have a typo in the title. I can edit everything but the title. I was trying to figure out the table of contents but did not get too far. I need to do a bit more work in that. The bottom line is the wiki is created and there is one posting. Unfortunately, I have a typo in the title and I can't find the posting. I will just have to deal with it when I have a bit more time. I do intend to follow up on this as I can see how it will be a great help for this project. The URL for the wiki is: Please ignore the typo.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I just finished doing the RSS part of this week's Blue 2.0. It was a bit frustrating as the instructions did not work they way they should have. I was able to figure it out though and I am now connected to Blue 2.0, Library News, the YoungRef Blog, and several professional blogs. Hopefully I will be more in the loop.

Picture of St. Jerome added

Kerri suggested that I add a picture of St. Jerome so I did! No one knows what he really looked like and some of the paintings show him practically nude in the wilderness! At least this one has some dignity.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Finished the First Module Blue 2.0

I successfully finished the first module of Blue 2.0 including the optional email accounts. The entire time it consumed for all activities was about 1 1/2 hours. Everything was pretty straight forward (except for the "chat box") and I was able to complete the tasks in no time at all. It was fun and I intend to begin using some of this in my daily work.

Chat Account Set Up

Setting up the AIM account was easy, finding the "chat box" was not. It did not occur to me that the band down the right side of the screen under my buddy list was the "chat box". It did not look like a box. Anyway after several attemps to find the "chat box" on different days, I threw in the towel and emailed Jen Bartlett. Jen made a housecall and showed me the "chat box". It was easy once I knew where it was. Jen and I then chatted a bit which was also pretty easy to do.

My screen name for AIM is ToniGreider -- not very original but something I can remember. Here's chatting with you.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Template changed

Success! I found that it is easy to change the template. This looks more like something St. Jerome would write on rather than the pink thing. This really is an easy program to use.

Blogging is easy

Creating this blog was pretty easy. The only issue I have is I looking at one template but chose the wrong template. I would like to change the template but I am not sure I can. This will be my first questions about blogs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

St. Jerome Goes E!

The St. Jerome Tattler was published weekly by me for about a decade. It was a pre email communication device to let the staff of the Agriculture Library know what had happened and what was going to happen in the next week. This publication was done on a word processor, printed out on a dot matrix printer on paper with pin feed holes, and circulated to the staff. It must have been given reading priority because it made its way back to me by mid week. All of these "Tattlers" were collected and put in a binder and last I saw them they were on a book case in the AIC. The paper has probably disintegrated by now.

St. Jerome lived from approximately 347 AD to September 30, 420 AD. He translated the Bible from the Greek and Hebrew texts into Latin which was the common language of the time. He is credited with perserving our Biblical heritage. St. Jerome is also designated as the patron saint of librarians in the Book of the Saints.

This e -Tattler is intended as an informal communication tool and place to have some fun. I would like to think that St. Jerome had a sense of humor (I am not sure he did though) and will look favorably on this blog.