Friday, February 22, 2008

Publishing from Google Docs did not work

I was trying to finish my blue 2.0 for the week and I was not able to publish my entry in Google Docs to my blog. I followed the direction and it said it had posted but it is not here. I am going to try again to see what happens. Hopefully I will be able to do this before I leave today.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finished Social Bookmarking Exercise

I just finished doing the session on and found that a colleague from Italy had tagged one of the websites I tagged. I looked at his tags and found a great one for finding hotels around the world so I tagged that one as well. I think I am seeing the value of this now that I have gotten into it. My account is at Armelia Delia was my grandma Yelle so I used her since my name and its variations were already taken.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Social Book Marking Set Up

I just set up my social book marking account and my first tagging was the reference blog. I am not sure how I am going to use this but I certainly am game. I have been using the newsreader and find it easier to keep up.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wiki Became Stiki

I dabbled in Wiki's this morning only to find they can be sticky. I obviously have some work to do. I am setting up a wiki to use for the science library project so it is a closed wiki. I did get the wiki set up but it kept telling me my UKY address was being rejected so I used a personal email address. That went through with flying colors. I then edited my first page and have a typo in the title. I can edit everything but the title. I was trying to figure out the table of contents but did not get too far. I need to do a bit more work in that. The bottom line is the wiki is created and there is one posting. Unfortunately, I have a typo in the title and I can't find the posting. I will just have to deal with it when I have a bit more time. I do intend to follow up on this as I can see how it will be a great help for this project. The URL for the wiki is: Please ignore the typo.